On Our ShtenderA collection of books by past scholars-in-residence and others that make us think. Suggest a Book The Burnt Book by Marc-Alain OuakninRabbi and philosopher Marc-Alain Ouaknin offers a postmodern reading of the Talmud. Bartleby, The Scrivener by Herman Melville The Jewish Intellectual Tradition by Alan Kadish, Michael Shmidman, and Simcha FishbaneNew release by one of our very own! Available January 26, 2021. Darkness at Noon by Arthur KoestlerA penetrating exploration of the moral danger inherent in a system that is willing to enforce its beliefs by any means necessary. Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity by Roy Rappaport A fascinating read about the position of religion and science in our lives. Thank you Ron for the suggestion!